Our Story

Live Free or Die - Words to Live By

Hi! Welcome to Ok Let’s Go RV!

We think that knowing where someone is from is the first step, after getting their name, to getting to know them.  After all it is generally the second question people ask when they meet you…..so here it goes.

We’re Ellen and Scott from the hopping metropolis of Windham, New Hampshire.

Windham is just a few miles from Massachusetts and only 37 miles from Boston, which accounts for what many people say is our Boston accent. 

We’ve both lived in New England for all of our lives. We were both born and raised in Massachusetts, but have been in New Hampshire now for more than half of our lives — so we’re going with we’re from NH.

Truth be told, New Hampshire is not that hopping and its not much of a metropolis, but it certainly is a terrific state and we love it.  

The 603 (NH has only one Area Code) has plenty to offer.  There is no income tax and no sales tax.  It has the ocean (only 18 miles of coast line), The White Mountains (Mt. Washington 6288ft, plus 47 others that are over 4000ft), some really nice lakes (Newfound Lake, one of the cleanest/clearest in the country at #8), lots and lots of trees (its the 2nd most forested state in the USA, 84.3%/4.8 million acres), moose (although Ellen has never seen one), smart people (1.37 million give or take 2 now 😉 ), reasonable laws, low traffic and snow – sometimes lots off it.  And it has cool (difficult) names of things like, Lake Winnepesaukee and The Kancamagus Highway.  It’s also the home of some useful inventions like the Drip Coffee Pot & the Alarm Clock (You’re welcome!).

NH has its conveniences too – it’s state run liquor stores are along the side of the major highways – both North and South bound. They literally “get you coming and going”. And it has a really cool, albeit sometimes misunderstood, state motto – Live Free or Die

Doesn’t it sound like a charming place? 

So if NH is so great, why did we leave?

Well, there is that snow, and as far as being the most forested state….most of those leaves we swear ended up in our yard and pool.

That’s really just part of it though.

Both Ellen and I watched our parents grow old.  They had long, great and successful lives. They did travel a bit, but while they waited for the perfect time to travel more to find them, their health and time ran out despite them having the financial means to do whatever they wanted.

For the past 29 years Ellen and I have been living the traditional American Dream.  In that time we’ve been extremely fortunate to have raised and educated three responsible children who are now all adults in their mid to late twenties.

We had a really fun time in that chapter of our lives.  But we did accumulate lots of stuff, and taking care of that stuff became more and more of a time and money suck. 

It was all just too much and didn’t make sense to us anymore as we started to think about what we wanted out of the next chapter in our lives.

All of that came as a gradual realization, partly awoken in me by a video I stumbled upon when researching places in the world to photograph.  I knew that if I wanted to pursue my passion for landscape photography (since wained) we would have to travel.  Owning a lot of things that need to be managed, paid for and generally worried about would hold us back.  If we waited for the perfect time to find us, the timing of life may have other plans, so action needed to be taken.

That first inspiring video was of Iceland, and a trip was planned as a kind of test.

It was that trip that Ellen and I first did any camping.  We travelled in a conversion van around Iceland hopping from camp ground to camp ground, but mostly boondocking, and eating food from bags.  That was in 2014.

As my research on YouTube continued I discovered that there were lots of people traveling around the US in vans – Van Life.   

In 2018, while Ellen was frustrated with her job, dare I say a weak moment, I was able to convinced her to join me in the pursuit of traveling around the USA in a Van. 

Fast-Forward to today (2022)….we’ve sold nearly everything we owned that would hold us back, and we live Full-Time in a 44ft 5th Wheel with new found freedom. This is our first RV.

So, you see, “Ok Let’s Go RV!” is as much a mark of a place in time and state of mind as it is a call to action.

For how we got from there to here is the reason for this Website and our YouTube Channel.

We invite you to follow along for more of the story of how we did it, to see the challenges as we figure it all out and most of all to see the places we go and the things we do on this Adventure Chapter of our lives.

We’ll cover lots of topics all with the hope of providing others, and perhaps even you, the inspiration, knowledge and courage to do it yourself, or at the very least, just provide you with some entertainment.

Thank you for stopping by and of course be sure to Like, Follow and Subscribe. (I have a feeling we’ll be saying that a lot!)

All the best,

Scott & Ellen